
掌握我国内陆河流域城市景观过程对涉水生态系统服务的影响评价研究现状,对于提高内陆河流域人类福祉和促进区域城市可持续发展具有重要意义。系统综述了我国内陆河流域城市景观过程对涉水生态系统服务的影响评价。结果表明:相关中英文论文数量与被引频次整体呈上升趋势,研究对象侧重于水源涵养、水质净化和淡水供给服务,研究方法主要包括价值量评价法和物质量评价法,研究结果则表明城市景观过程已造成涉水生态系统服务总量下降和空间异质性增加,同时还加剧了服务间的权衡关系。相关研究为深入理解内陆河城市景观过程对涉水生态系统服务的影响奠定了良好基础,但在揭示影响机理、模拟未来影响、分析服务权衡、协同与供需流关系以及探索可持续的内陆河流域综合优化管理等方面还存在不足。因此,未来应基于"机理-过程-可持续性"的思路建立内陆河流域城市景观过程对涉水生态系统服务影响评价框架,开展综合评价研究,为我国内陆河流域城市与山水林田湖草综合优化管理提供帮助。;To improve the human well-being and promote the sustainable development of cities in inland river basins (IRBs) in China, it is important to summarize the current progress of the impacts of urban landscape dynamics (ULD) on the water-related ecosystem services (WES) in the IRBs. This paper systematically reviewed the progress of relevant research. The results showed that, in general, the number of relevant papers and the citations increased. In terms of research objects, the existing research mainly focused on water retention, water quality purification and water supply. The methods mainly included value assessment methods and physical assessment methods. In addition, the current research released that the ULD has caused the decline of the total amount of WES and the increase of spatial heterogeneity of WES, as well as the intensification of the trade-offs of WES. These studies have laid a good foundation for understanding the impacts of ULD on WES in the IRBs. However, existing studies still have deficiencies in revealing the mechanism of impacts, simulating future impacts, analyzing trade-offs, synergies and supply-demand flows of WES, and exploring sustainable management in the IRBs. Therefore, it is necessary to establish a framework based on the principle of mechanism, process, and sustainability for evaluating the impacts of ULD on WES in IRBs in the future, and carry out integrated evaluation research, which is beneficial to the comprehensive and optimized management of the cities, mountains, rivers, forests, farmlands, lakes and grasslands in IRBs, China.

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