
The global outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic stands as one of the most significant health events of the 21st century, presenting substantial challenges worldwide and profoundly impacting socio-economic dynamics. The development and dissemination of vaccines have emerged as critical strategies for pandemic control. As the COVID-19 pandemic swept across the globe, it also affected all 50 states within the United States.Utilizing the United States as a case study for COVID-19 vaccine distribution practices, this study undertakes a comprehensive review and analysis of the experiences and insights gained from promoting COVID-19 vaccines within the U.S. context. Expanding on this groundwork and considering the current state of international public health and specific concerns, the paper contends that effective promotion of COVID-19 vaccines requires reinforced international cooperation, exchange of experiences, and fostering collaborative research endeavors. Confronting global pandemic challenges collectively has become an increasingly urgent imperative, offering the potential to bolster a more resilient global public health framework and facilitate sustainable social and economic progress.

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