
通用航空产业自身的产业链较长,产业链上游产业包含飞机的研发设计、航空设备制造、机场建设等,下游产业包括教育培训、体育娱乐、私人及公务飞行、机场服务、维修服务等等。另外,通用航空产业向外包括回顾效应、旁侧效应和前瞻效应。回顾效应如基础设施建设、航空设备建设、维修服务、教育事业和机场建设,旁侧效应如其他装备制造业、餐饮业、影视业、航模和医疗救护,前瞻效应如航空运输/物流、旅游产业、工农林业和其他产业建设。安阳市发展通用航空产业,无论从自然地理位置优势,还是从人文历史文化优势看,都是其他地区不可比拟的。但是就目前来看,安阳市的通航产业的发展存在一些问题。国家出于空域安全考虑,飞行管制较多,飞行业务量也相对较少;低空经济和通用航空产业的发展是在摸索中前进,前期投入大、收益慢、经验不足;缺乏配套的机场和起降点;专业型人才培养较慢、成本投入较大,资金不足,企业宣传力度也有待提高;通航飞行服务属于高消费,多数人民的消费水平达不到,社会普遍认识也不足。同时,在实地调查当中,当地居民也反应航空器飞行对他们生活产生较大影响,没有处理好与当地居民之间关系。安阳市发展通用航空产业应立足于“突出优势、扩大规模、搭建网络、提升宣传”,把握正确方向才能得以发展。 General aviation industry’s own industrial chain is long. The upstream industry chain includes aircraft R & D design, aviation equipment manufacturing, airport construction, downstream in-dustry, including education and training, sports and entertainment, private and official flight, airport services, maintenance services and so on. In addition, the general aviation industry includes retrospective effects, side effects and forward-looking effects. Retrospective effects include infrastructure construction, aviation equipment construction, maintenance services, education and airport construction. Side effects include other equipment manufacturing, catering, film and television industry, model aircraft and medical rescue. Forward-looking effects include air transport/logistics, tourism industry, agriculture, forestry and other industries. In Anyang City, the development of general aviation industry, both from the physical and geographical advantages, or from the human history and cultural advantages, is unmatched in other regions. But for now, there are some problems about the development of navigation industry in Anyang city, such as the more flight control, the relatively small flight traffic on the country for airspace security considerations. Due to early investment, low income, lack of experience, low-cost economy, the development of general aviation industry is moving forward with exploration. Navigation lacks matching airports and landing points; navigation professional personnel training is slow; the cost of investment is high, while funding is insufficient; corporate propaganda efforts have to be improved; navigation flight services are in high consumption; most people’s consumption level is not reached; the community generally lacks understanding. At the same time, in the field survey, local residents also respond that aircraft flight has impact on their lives. The general aviation industry did not handle the relationship with the local residents. In Anyang City, the development of general aviation industry should be based on “outstanding advantages, expanding the scale, building the network, enhancing publicity” to grasp the correct direction to be able to develop.

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