
An investigation was made on the disintegration-effect of boiling milk of lime or caustic soda solution upon the nutritive value and chemical composition of wheat or barley straw. The results obtained may be summarised as follows:1). The each disintegrated straw was prepared as follows: (a) The wheat lime straw-by boilling wheat straw for three hours in 1% milk of lime. (b) The wheat soda straw-by soaking for four hours in 0.9% solution of sodium hydroxide at ordinally temperature. (c) The barley lime straw No. I-by boiling barley straw for three hours in 1% milk of lime. (d) The barley lime straw No. 2-by boiling for 1.5 hours in the solution above mentioned.2). The ammounts of digestible nutrients, starch value and net energy value in therms per 100 pounds of each fodder, the moisture content of which was eaqually 13.6%, together with the ammount of incrusting substances (lignin+cutin) were shown in the following table.3). Although the decrease in incrusting substances causes a rapid increase in nutritive value, further decrease in the former does no longer accompany any considerable increase in the latter. In fact the nutritive value approaches almost to its maxmum point just about the time when lignin+cutin shows about 10% decrease.4). The time required to boil in the case of lime disintegration may be shortened to 1.5 hours, for both the barley lime straw No. 1 and No. 2 have the same nutritive value.

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