
消费者在购买商品的过程中总是喜欢“杀价”,过去关于消费者议价方面的研究,多半着重在消费者杀价对商家的影响,少有研究者剖析消费者杀价的心理机制。本研究针对30位受访者以一对一深度访谈的方式,彻底探查消费者议价过程中,与“产品本身”和“交易情境”相关的“具体事实”,并检测这些具体事件与“展望理论”之关联性。研究结果显示消费者对于无形服务的“知觉获得价值”与“知觉交易价值”,也会像有形的金钱一般能够符合“展望理论”价值函数的特性。 Consumers always like to bargain with salespeople when they are shopping. Past researches about “bargaining” concern the influence on transaction and neglect consumers’ perception. In this study, 30 consumers are interviewed, and researcher observes their attitude and behavior when they bargain with salespeople. This study investigates the “events” consumers bargain with salespeople specially focused on “product” or “transaction.” The relationship between these events and Prospect theory is examined. The results show that the “perceived acquisition value” and “perceived transaction value” of service provided by salespeople also can fit the features of value function in Prospect theory.

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