
Radical changes in the climate of planet and the transition of Ukrainian economy to digital format require the use of modern technologies in the field of plant selection. In the conditions of fast-changing ecological and economical situations search and realization of express-methods of creation of varieties of different directions of economic use is recognized as expedient. Establishing the possibility of using the latest IT- technologies in the study of biological processes, including the conformities with the established laws and principles of artificial microevolution due to the accelerated development of these specialized software platforms, is relevant. It is determined that the classical method of analysis of variance, due to its linearity, does not allow to distinguish the component of IGE (interaction “genotype-environment”) from the general system of modification variability. Instead, the reflection of the productive system of competitive strain testing in the form of phase-parametric portraits on time series of test years allows establishing the component of IGE as an important element that determines the epigenetic-adaptive properties of the phenotype. The innovativeness of approaches consists in the transition from additive mathematical models to additive-multiplicative models. The main result of research is the formation of new approaches that will select the breeding numbers with a synergistically optimized combination of adaptive-productive properties identified in the process of ontogenetic development and deep phenotyping of plants. On the platform of the received experimental data new conceptual approaches to change of a paradigm of selection are developed. In particular, the classical methodology, selection scheme and staging of the classical genetic experiment in the system of diallel crosses in order to obtain differentiated variances assume that the actual selection takes place on the basis of splitting generations, that is on a phylogenetic and population basis. In the system of phase-parametric portraits of selection samples in the competitive strain testing of different years in various combinations of interactions “genotype-environment” patterns of trajectories of maximum parameters of productivity of number Hybrid 2 in all years of testing (lim 574-842; xaverage = 713 g/m2) are allocated. In the system of phase portraits of component features, the peculiarities of the interaction of component features according to the type of pattern formation (trajectory thickenings) are highlighted. In particular, the portraits show three types of interactions, including anisotropic robust ejections (for efficient selection by discreteness), bifurcation states (for selection by direction of practical use) and patterns of trajectory concentrations (for selection of stabilized clusters). An innovative method of analysis of the experimental digital matrix of competitive strain testing as an evolutionary dynamic system on the trajectories of development of phase-parametric portraits is proposed. The possibility of differentiation of selection samples on the interpopulation level at identification of valuable genotypes by phenotype in the innovative system of analysis of phase-parametric portraits which will allow purposefully and effectively to use adequate types of selection is proved.


  • Radical changes in the climate of planet and the transition of Ukrainian economy to digital format require the use of modern technologies in the field of plant selection

  • За характером візуальних якісних топологічних станів фазово-параметричних портретів, порівняно з еталоном адитивно-мультиплікативних взаємодій в системі дисперсійного розподілу в сферичних координатах за канонічною формулою z = 1-e-λx, де λ – управляючий параметр порядку, можна виявити особливості формування систем компонентних ознак в

  • Тому в наших подальших дослідженнях планується використання ляпуновських фрактальних атракторів, які забезпечать можливість прогнозування динаміки поведінки фазово-параметричного простору параметрів ознак селекційних зразків з можливістю передбачення успадковування епігенетичних змін фенотипу, сформованих в системі ВГС

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Оriginal researches

Innovative principles of selection of valuable genotypes in the system of competitive strain testing. J. Gumentyk Institute of Bioenergy Crops and Sugar Beets of NAAS of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine

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