
The separation of cationic surfactants was examined by reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) using octadecyl-silica (Capcell pack C18; 5um) as a column packing.Alkyl (C16-C18) benzyldimethylammonium chlorides, alkyl (C16-C18) trimethylammonium chlorides, cetyl pyridinium chloride, benzethonium chloride and distearyldimethylam monium chloride (ZSZMA) were used as the quaternary salts. POE (n=2) stearylamine was used as the aliphatic amine.The optimum conditions for the separation of ZSZMA were as follows: column size, 4.6mm i.d. 15cm; eluent, water-ethanol (20: 80vol/vol) containing 0.1M sodium perchlorate adjusted pH to 2.5 with phosphoric acid; column temp., 50C; detector, Refractive index detector.Another optimum conditions for the separation of cationic surfactants except ZSZMA were as follows: eluent, water-ethanol (40: 60vol/vol) containing 0.1M sodium perchlorate adjusted pH to 2.5 with phosphoric acid; column size, column temp. and detector were the same as previous conditions.Typical cationic surfactants in shampoos and rinses were clearly resolved and determined directly without any pretreatment by using two mobile phase conditions.

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