
雄安新区地理环境敏感,生态环境较为脆弱,研究新区河流健康对维护区域水生态平衡,实施京津冀协同发展战略及疏解北京非首都功能具有重要意义。以雄安新区4条河流为研究对象,基于高分二号遥感影像、地理信息数据和实测数据,构建由水文水资源、河流水质、河流底泥、河流生物、河流生境和社会服务构成的河流健康评价指标体系,并用主客观赋值法得到各指标的综合权重,进而计算河流的综合健康指数,以此对河流健康情况进行评价。结果表明不同河流的准则层指标的健康指数和河流综合健康指数存在差异性,其中白沟引河综合健康指数为0.640,处于健康状态;府河的综合健康指数为0.484,处于亚健康状态;瀑河和孝义河均处于病态,综合健康指数为0.269和0.228。总体表现同一河流不同河段以及不同河流存在明显的空间异质性,府河和白沟引河的健康状态明显好于孝义河和瀑河,同时除孝义河不同采样点的健康情况没有差别,府河、瀑河和白沟引河三条河流不同采样点之间的健康状况存在一定的差别,河流入淀处健康状况普遍比中游健康状况好。这为后期生态需水及其整个新区的生态功能提升提供了参考依据。;In recent years, insufficient protection or excessive utilization has caused widespread degradation of river ecosystems, affecting the natural and social functions of the river, losing the river's own value and endangering the river's health. Therefore, river ecological health assessment has attracted extensive attention. Due to sensitive geographical environment and fragile ecological environment of Xiong'an New Area, studying the health of rivers in Xiong'an New Area is of great significance to maintain regional water ecological balance, to implement Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei coordinated development strategy and to ease the non-capital function of Beijing. Taking four rivers in Xiong'an New Area as the research objects, based on GF-2 remote sensing image, geographic information data and measured data, river health assessment index system was constructed, which was composed of hydrology and water resources, river water quality, river sediment, river organism, river habitat and social service. Based on the comprehensive weight of each index obtained by subjective and objective assignment methods, the comprehensive health indexes of rivers were calculated to assess the health of rivers. The results showed that among the selected 19 sampling points in the river system of the Xiong'an New Area, 1 point was in the natural state, 3 points were in the healthy state, 6 points were in the sub-healthy state, 2 points were in the unhealthy state, and 7 points were in the morbid state. The health indexes of criterion level and comprehensive health indexes were different in different rivers. The comprehensive health index of Baigouyin River was 0.640, which was in healthy state. The index of Fuhe River was 0.484, which was in sub-healthy state, while Baohe River and Xiaoyi River were both in morbid state, with comprehensive health indexes of 0.269 and 0.228. It showed that there was obviously spatial heterogeneity in different sections of the same river and different rivers. The health status of Fuhe River and Baigouyin River was significantly better than that of Xiaoyi River and Baohe River. There was no difference in the health status of different sampling points of Xiaoyi River. There were certain differences in the health status of Baohe River, Fuhe River and Baigouyin River. The health status of the river entering the lake was generally better than that of the middle reaches. This river health assessment provided the reference for later ecological water demand and ecological function improvement of Xiong'an New Area.

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