
The patient K. Y. a 25 year-old man, found himself having lost his memory concerning his name, address, family and his past when he was just walking out of a public phone booth.Next day he was taken to a hospital where he staved for about six weeks. On the 21st day he was recovered from the amnestic state by electric shock treatment given three times every other day.He had never experienced any fugue or amnestic state before, but somnamblism in his infancy.Various psychological tests were adiministered before and after the electro-shock treatment. The following results were obtained.1. In the eary stage of the disease, there was marked deteriopation in recall and judgement, but it disappeared a few days later ; intelligence was fairly high (Binet & other intelligence tests). Neurotic symptoms (Rorschach's test, respiration curve) and characteristics of schizothymie (association test) were observed. No psychotic Symp on was observable (all tests).2. The patient was restored to normal state after the shock treatment and it was found that no foundamental changes had occurred in the results of the tests, but neurotic symtoms (respiration curve during adition-work test, Rorschach's test) and characteristics of schizothymia (association test) were observed.3. Even in the state of amnesia concerning his self and life history, positive responses were obtaine against them (association test, T.A.T., G.S.R.). The self and life history in the patient's conception in amnestic state was the expresion of his suppressed desires and was mixed with imagination which had some relation to the facts inreality.

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