
龙凤山区域大气本底站(以下简称“龙凤山站”)是东亚中高纬度地区少数几个大气本底污染监测站之一,也是WMO GAW的成员站之一。本文分析和总结了龙凤山站的环境、气象和气候特征,并利用2009~2010年NCEP再分析资料,通过后向轨迹聚类方法分析了该站的气流来源的区域分布和季节变化特征。夏季,随着西南季风的建立和向北推进,从渤海湾一带北上的气流途径辽宁、吉林等地抵达该站。冬季,由于季风环流的影响,受途经齐齐哈尔、大庆、哈尔滨等大型工业城市的西北及北方气流影响显著。在不同季节里龙凤山站都可受到移动速度相对较慢的源自东北平原气流的影响。自建站以来,龙凤山站积累了大量基础数据,包括常规地面气象、太阳辐射、温室气体、气溶胶、反应性气体、降水化学、地基遥感等7大类30多种观测要素。一次污染物(如SO2,NOx)及降水中 [NH4 +], [SO42-] 和 [NO3-]离子浓度水平相比10多年前的水平有显著增加,降水pH值呈下降趋势。 Longfengshan Regional Atmospheric Background Station is one of a few atmospheric background pollution monitoring stations at mid- and high-latitude regions in East Asia, and it is also one of the WMO GAW regional stations. The characteristics of weather and climate at Longfengshan station are summarized. The regional distribution and seasonal variation of the airflow to the station are analyzed by trajectories calculation and clustering technique using the 2009-2010 NCEP reanalysis data. In summer, as the establishment and pushing forward of the southwest monsoon, the airflow from regions around the BohaiBaycan move north alongLiaoning,Jilinprovinces and arrived at the station. In winter, due to the influence of the monsoon circulation, the northwest and northern airflow passing overQiqihar, Daqing,Harbinand other large industrial city have a significant influence. The airflow with a relatively slow movement and from the Northeast Plain of China can be transported to the station in different seasons. For decades, at Longfengshan station, it has accumulated a lot of basic data, including conventional ground-based meteorological parameters, solar radiation, greenhouse gases, aerosols, reactive gases, precipitation chemistry, ground-base remote sensing, which is of seven major categories with more than 30 kinds of observation elements. The observational studies show that the concentrations of primary pollutants (such as SO2, NOx) and [NH4 +], [SO42-] and [NO3-]ions in precipitation have a significant increase when compared to the levels of 10 years ago, and the pH value in precipitation shows a downward trend.

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