
LANGUAGE NOTE | Document text in Chinese; abstract also in English. 唐代干謁風氣的盛行與守選制度之間有密切的聯繫。唐人應舉及第後并不能即刻授官,即使釋褐授官,若不得敕授官職,或累資進階至五品以上,通常都要遵守周而復始的守選制度。對於前進士等和六品以下的旨授官員而言,欲選滿冬集而得授美職,或滅少選數而提前釋褐,或得敕授而不再守選,或累資進階至五 品以上而逃離選曹,此間成敗,很大程度上要取決於干謁的效果。只要尚不能出吏部選門,唐人就必須不斷地行干謁之事。中國古代文人的干謁行爲畢竟以仕進爲终極目的。守選制的存在正是唐人頻繁干謁,甚至終其一生需要干褐的重要誘因之一。 There was a close relationship between Shouxuan (守選) and Ganye (干謁) in Tang Dynasty. The Shouxuan regime applies not only to new-comers to the official ranks but also to those many appointed officials with a position lower than the 6th rank. Those exofficials who have not been able to get above the 5th rank or who remain below the 6th rank without any special appointment, will never be able to escape from recurring selection processes. The long duration of Shouxuan as well as the uncertainty of its results causes a lot of officials to remain unelevated or at very low ranks for a lifetime. The existence of the Shouxuan regime is an important motivation behind frequent Ganye activities of many appointed officials.

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