
本研究采用“空间线索任务”实验范式,以不同情绪面孔(高兴、愤怒、中性)为实验材料,考察不同亲和动机水平个体注意偏向的特点及内在机制。结果发现,高亲和动机个体在无效线索条件下,对以愤怒和高兴为提示线索的靶刺激的反应时显著长于中性,而在有效线索条件下没有发现任何显著效应。这说明高亲和动机个体更易受到情绪性信息(高兴和愤怒)的吸引,表现为一种选择性的注意维持倾向,其注意偏向的内在机制是一种注意的解脱困难。 In present study, we used spatial cueing task, which cues were happy, anger, or neutral facial ex-pressions, to investigate the effects of intimacy motivation on attentional bias for facial expressions of emotion. The results revealed that high intimacy motivation individuals showed significantly longer response latencies when the face cues were anger and happy relative to neutral on invalid trials. On the contrary, there was no significant difference on valid trials. These findings suggested that attentional bias in high intimacy motivation participants might reflect a selectively attentional maintenance on the emotional stimuli; hence they were more easily affected by emotional stimuli and behaved as though they were hard to disengage from emotional stimuli.

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