
Eight young cattle with neurologic signs were encountered at the Hamamatsu City Meat Center in these five years. In them, the cerebral cortex was affected with widespread lamellar necrosis, which involved the whole cortex in some cattle. The cytoplasm of neuronal cells was eosinophilic and shrunk with pyknotic nuclei. These changes were probably due to ischemia of the cerebral cortex. In the surrounding tissue, there were numerous phagocytic cells with foamy cytoplasm containing lipids to result in cystic areas. Necrosis of neuronal cells was present in the cerebral nuclei, thalamus, substantia nigra, corpora quadrigemina and vermis cerebelli, as well as in the cerebral cortex.These necrotic changes of neuronal cells, the age of affected animals ranging from 5 to 12 months, and the sporadic occurrence suggested that the eight cases might be diagnosed as “cerebrocortical necrosis of cattle” or “polioencephalomalacia of cattle”, although neither etiology nor pathogenesis was completely investigated.

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