
颈部异位嗜铬细胞瘤十分罕见。作者报道了一例57岁的男性患者,因“发现左颈部肿块6年,头痛眩晕、胸闷胸痛9天”入院。入院时血压大幅度波动,每隔数分钟波动在200/100 mmHg~80/50 mmHg的范围。左颈部肿块进行性增大5年余。血浆17-羟皮质类固醇和17-酮类固醇正常,24小时尿VMA升高(82.7 umol/day (。颈部的CT平扫和增强显示左侧颈部一个4.6 × 3.2 cm大小的肿块。充分的术前准备后行左颈部肿块切除术。手术顺利,无术后并发症。病理和免疫组化显示为左侧颈部异位嗜铬细胞瘤。 Ectopic pheochromocytoma in neck is rare. We reported a 57-year-old male patient who was admitted to hospital because of a mass in left neck for 6 years with headache, dizziness, chest tightness and chest pain for 9 days. He had an alternation of fluctuation of blood pressure between 200/100 - 80/50 mmHg in every several minutes. The mass progressively enlarges for more than 5 years in his left side of neck. His plasma 17-hydroxy corticosteroid and 17-ketosteroid levels were normal. The 24 hours urine VMA level was high (82.7 umol/day (

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