
N=2 extension of affine algebra $\hat{sl(2)\oplus u(1)}$ possesses a hidden global N=4 supersymmetry and provides a second hamiltonian structure for a new N=4 supersymmetric integrable hierarchy defined on N=2 affine supercurrents. This system is an N=4 extension of at once two hierarchies, N=2 NLS and N=2 mKdV ones. It is related to N=4 KdV hierarchy via a generalized Sugawara-Feigin-Fuks construction which relates N=2 $\hat{sl(2)\oplus u(1)}$ algebra to ``small'' N=4 SCA. We also find the underlying affine hierarchy for another integrable system with the N=4 SCA second hamiltonian structure, ``quasi'' N=4 KdV hierarchy. It respects only N=2 supersymmetry. For both new hierarchies we construct scalar Lax formulations. We speculate that any N=2 affine algebra admitting a quaternionic structure possesses N=4 supersymmetry and so can be used to produce N=4 supersymmetric hierarchies. This suggests a way of classifying all such hierarchies.

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