
Zeus, mythical ruler of Mount Olympus and king of gods and men, could kill any of his enemies by hurling a thunderbolt of forked lightning at them. The ancient Greeks, puzzled by natural phenomena, could understand a terrifying lightning bolt if they thought an angry Zeus had thrown it. The myth was both imaginative and comforting — especially to a mortal who had remembered his sacrifices to Zeus. If the mortal was wayward, however, and had decided to seek fate's blessing under a large pine tree during a thunderstorm, he may have soon learned more about lightning than myth had told. Myths are often dangerous - not just to wayward ancient Greeks but also to the modern-day gifted child. Can you distinguish modern myths about giftedness from the realities revealed by educational research?Simply put a check beside the answer you think is correct. The answer key beginning on the next page will let you know your Reality Quotient.

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