
The investigation of the process of establishing the Greco-Latin doublets implies the presence of mythological sources, which offer elucidations from the origin and are important in their semantic-functional design. In this article, we propose the analysis of the Greek-Latin doublet < lat. umbilicus, i, m and < gr. omphalos, es, f „umbilical” (national and international dimensions), a representative doublet in medical terminology, but also modestly productive. Each of the components of the doublet requires personalized investigations (diachronic, synchronic aspects): the Latin component is included in the fundamental vocabulary of the Romanian languages (national terminology); Greek component – in the mass of vocabulary (international terminology). Neological lexical creations (formed on the basis of Greco-Latin doublets) correspond to a universal dimension of the conscious creativity of scientists and denominate specialized medical knowledge.


  • The investigation of the process of establishing the Greco-Latin doublets implies the presence of mythological sources, which offer elucidations from the origin and are important in their semantic-functional design

  • We propose the analysis of the Greek-Latin doublet < lat. umbilicus, i, m and < gr. omphalos, es, f „umbilical”, a representative doublet in medical terminology, and modestly productive

  • Each of the components of the doublet requires personalized investigations: the Latin component is included in the fundamental vocabulary of the Romanian languages; Greek component – in the mass of vocabulary

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The investigation of the process of establishing the Greco-Latin doublets implies the presence of mythological sources, which offer elucidations from the origin and are important in their semantic-functional design. Rezumat Investigarea procesului de stabilire a dubletelor greco-latine presupune prezența surselor mitologice, care oferă elucidări ab origine și sunt puncte de reper în proiectarea semantico-funcțională a acestora. Creaţiile lexicale neologice (formate în baza dubletelor greco-latine) corespund unei dimensiuni universale a creativităţii conştiente a savanţilor şi denumesc cunoştinţe specializate medicale.

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