
In the context of social transformation, there is an increasing interest in myth as a result of the organizing activity of consciousness, a fundamental construct that reflects the ways of knowing the world and the forms of interaction with it. As the metaphysical basis of being, myth is included in the social dynamics. At each stage of civilizational development, mythosymbolic structures reveal their potential, actualizing the life-creating resources of a person and society. The purpose of this study is to identify trends in the formation of modern myth, its socio-cultural specifics and role in the life of a person and society. As a methodological basis, we use the sociocultural approach, the principles of hermeneutics and phenomenology, which allow us to carry out a comprehensive analysis at the interdisciplinary level. The authors show that the modern mythosemantic context is in its infancy. Its metaphysical basis is not formed. The factors that constitute the ontological situation manifest themselves in interaction, in the living, active creative process of participation and experience of values by the subjects of cultural creativity. The authors conclude that in the context of global social transformation, a balance is needed between the driving forces of modernization and the sacredness of tradition, which ensures the self-preservation of local integrity, and conventions that optimize interactions and harmonize the states of their participants are important.

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