
article deals with the integrality and paradoxes of the global myth used by Ch. Aitmatov in his novel The Scaffold and in the story The White Ship (After the fairy tale) for the actualization of the most important moral issues which are necessary for understanding the survival of the mankind in the modern racing condition of arms and environmental disaster. peculiarities of the writer’s mythpoetical thinking, his ability to show a tough connection between the good and the evil in the paradoxical clash of ideas are revealed in the article. Aitmatov’s contribution not only to the aesthetic potential of the Kirgiz literature, as well as to the global one, especially in terms of framing symbolic prose by parable forms, ability to literally generalize significant moral- physiological state of the community is shown clearly.


  • Avdii Kallistratov is one of the main heroes of the novel, internally contrasted to Jesus Christ. This altruist, seminarian, a half-educated person is dialogically connected with Jesus Christ, this connection is moral, imperative, traditional, at the same time polemic because Avdii had an idea of new religion, so-called “GodTomorrow” Avdii is fiercely against of a canon, in this sense he is a Protestant in Orthodoxy, that means he is a secessionist

  • To captivate and disarm the enemy's idea, to force him to believe in the myth, - isn’t it an old strategy of all believers, trying to be socialized? we understand that the ideology is rather a powerful and sophisticated form of the total weapon. It was applied before the XX-century. Both Momun and Orozkul are guilty in the death of the boy, this is a paradoxical logic of the mythological poetic plot

  • The other complicated idea is invisibly born, the attempt to kill the myth is a special evil with the chain reaction of infinite consequences

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The logic of the development of his magic realism was shown in the following way: from socialist realism in "The first teacher" to magic realism in "The Scaffold" and thinking by conditional and symbolic images in the novel "Cassandra's Brand". This aesthetic movement in the writer’s creativity was commented on in the monographs Acuteness of the moral problem in the novel "Cassandra's Brand" which is normal for former poetics of the writer, increased humanistic demands to the modern person, emotionality, developed empathy to the hero gave the way to stylistics and the genre principles of a conditional and symbolic narration

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