
The object of research is Italian neorealism of the 1940-1950s. The subject of research is the work of neorealist directors Roberto Rossellini, Cesare Zavattini, Giuseppe de Santis, Vittorio de Sica, Alberto Latuada. Features of neorealism are also inherent in the early work of directors Luchino Visconti («Obsession» 1943, «Earth Trembles» 1948), Federico Fellini («The Road» 1954, «Nights of Cabiria» 1957), Piero Paolo Pasolini («Accatone» 1961, «Mama Roma» 1962), Michelangelo Antonioni «People from the Po River» 1947). Neorealism develops under the influence of French poetic realism, as well as, under the influence of verism, especially, the work of L. Pirandello. The focus of the neorealists was a person in interaction with society, the environment. The purpose of this study is to consider the features of realism and neorealism, to consider the space created by directors. This study uses various research methods - phenomenological, intertextual, comparative, hermeneutic, content analysis in their combination and complementarity. The scientific novelty of this study lies in the opposition of mythological and real space in the films of Italian directors, as well as in the application of an integrated approach. The main conclusion of this study is the thesis that myth and reality in the work of Italian neorealists interact with each other. Despite the documentary approach to filming, neorealists create their own, special reality, turn to history and myth. The concept of "neorealism" is quite complex, many of its representatives called themselves realists. The focus of neorealism becomes a person in interaction with society, with the environment. As the principles of neorealism, one can single out chorality, that is, the interaction of people. A separate feature of neorealism is the appeal to fantasy. F. Fellini and M. Antonioni open a new chapter in the history of Italian cinema.

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