
Infectious myositis is a rare condition that can be caused by bacteria, viruses, parasites or fungi. Muscle pain or weakness are symptoms shared by all type of myositis. Diagnosis is made on clinical presentation: fever and poor general state is found in bacterial myositis, diffuse muscle pain with flu-like symptoms in viral causes, eosinophilia and a tropical travel history can be related to parasitic etiology, and immunocompromising condition suggests fungal infection. Rhabdomyolysis, leukocytosis and elevated C-reactive protein are common. Imaging (computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging) can be useful to detect which muscle is affected. The causative organism can be identified on blood cultures, skeletal muscle biopsy, serology or any other pathogen specific test. Treatment depends on the causative organism. Open surgical or imaging-guided drainage is usually necessary in bacterial myositis.

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