
The enzyme myo-inositol oxygenase (MIOX) catalyzes conversion of myo-inositol (cyclohexan-1,2,3,5/4,6-hexa-ol or MI) to d-glucuronate (DG), initiating the only known pathway in humans for catabolism of the carbon skeleton of cell-signaling inositol (poly)phosphates and phosphoinositides. Recent kinetic, spectroscopic and crystallographic studies have shown that the enzyme activates its substrates, MI and O(2), at a carboxylate-bridged nonheme diiron(ii/iii) cluster, making it the first of many known nonheme diiron oxygenases to employ the mixed-valent form of its cofactor. Evidence suggests that: (1) the Fe(iii) site coordinates MI via its C1 and C6 hydroxyl groups; (2) the Fe(ii) site reversibly coordinates O(2) to produce a superoxo-diiron(iii/iii) intermediate; and (3) the pendant oxygen atom of the superoxide ligand abstracts hydrogen from C1 to initiate the unique C-C-bond-cleaving, four-electron oxidation reaction. This review recounts the studies leading to the recognition of the novel cofactor requirement and catalytic mechanism of MIOX and forecasts how remaining gaps in our understanding might be filled by additional experiments.

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