
Left ventricular (LV) micromanometry, cine-angiography and endomyocardial biopsies were performed in 13 patients with aortic valve disease {AVD) before and 12 to 28 months after successful valve replacement. (AVR). Patients with coronary artery disease were excluded. In nine patients (Group I: five AS, four AI) postoperative LV ejection fraction (EF) and total pressure Vmax were normal(EF ≥ 0.61; Vmax ≥ 1.50 ML/s). In four patients (Group II: three AS, one AT) postoperative EF (0.41) and Vmax (1.21 ML/s) were depressed. Pre-operative muscle fiber diameter (MFD; normal < 20 n) was 31 μ in Group I and 38 μ in Group II ( P < 0.01). After AVR MFD decreased to 27 μ in Group I ( P < 0.005) and to 28 μ in Group II (P < 0.02). Prior to surgery EF and Vmax showed no significant correlation with the LV fibrous content (FC in g/m 2 ; FC = interstitial fibrosis in percent × LV angiographic muscle mass/100) in the 13 patients with AVD. After AVR, however, FC was related inversely to EF ( P < 0.01, r = −0.69) and to Vmax ( P < 0.025, r = −0.63). It is concluded that: (1) in AVD massive pre-operative fiber hypertrophy heralds impaired postoperative LV function; (2) fiber hypertrophy regresses following AVR regardless of the-LV functional state, and (3) the content of fibrous tissue appears to be a determinant of postoperative LV function.

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