
Introduction: Mylohyoid Bridging (MB) is a hyperostotic variation in the mandible. On the inner aspect of the ramus of the mandible, the Mylohyoid Groove (MG) is observed. The content of this groove is the mylohyoid nerve and vessels. The mylohyoid bridging can compress these neurovascular structures. Aim: To determine the incidence of mylohyoid bridging and to determine, whether it is complete/incomplete or proximal/distal or unilateral/bilateral. Materials and Methods: The present cross-sectional study was conducted in the Department of Anatomy, School of Medical Sciences and Research, Sharda University, Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India, in July 2022. The study was conducted on 60 dried human mandibles (120 sides). The mandibles were collected from the Department of Anatomy. The mandibles were observed for the presence of a mylohyoid bridge on the inner aspect of its ramus on both sides. Results were expressed using descriptive statistics and were expressed in terms of frequency and percentage. Results: Mylohyoid bridge was observed in three out of 120 (2.5%) mylohyoid grooves. All the observed mylohyoid bridges were incomplete types (one each of proximal type, intermediate type, and distal type). In one of the mandible, a triangular bony spicule was noted at the proximal end of the mylohyoid groove, in a close approximation of the mandibular foramen on the right-side, whereas in one of the mandible, the mylohyoid groove was very deep, and communication between the mylohyoid groove and mandibular canal was noted. Conclusion: Knowledge regarding mylohyoid bridging will help in the successful administration of inferior alveolar nerve block.

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