
In this note, we focus on some aspects of the use of virtual ethics in the study of the scientific heritage of the outstanding Ukrainian mathematician Mykhailo Krawtchouk and its involvement in the invention of the first electronic computer by Atanasov and Berry. In particular, the biased and clearly propagandistic activity of the Canadian political scientist I. Kachanovsky is analyzed concerning the contrived contribution of Mykhailo Krawtchouk’s mathematical advice to an allegedly substantial solution of the designer G. Atanasov problems of implanting computational algorithms in his designed first electronic computing device. We also noted the ill-considered popularization of these false as well as harmful statements in scientific and popular science Ukrainian literature. Separately, we focused on the openly anti- Ukrainian propaganda activity of I. Kachanovsky, which concerns his clumsy efforts in investi- gating the activities of Ukrainian nationalists during World War II and the last events on the Maidan, and its aggressive dissemination in the press of insinuations, pseudo-historical and pseudo-scientific anti-Ukrainian insults.


  • 3⁄4In 2001, Krawtchouk's two-volume monograph Applying the method of moments to the solution of linear dierential and integral equations in English was found by the researcher of M

  • Atanaso had not received the response from Krawtchouk, on November 16, 1937 he sent another letter to Kyiv to the Association of Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries

  • John Atanaso described potential applications of his computer to various mathematical tasks that required the solution of systems of linear algebraic equations

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Bukovinian Mathematical Journal
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