
Human myiasis is a parasitic infestation by fly larvae in poor hygienic or immunocompromised children’s. We present here two case of fly larval infestation including one scalp myiasis in six year old male street child and other one vulvar myiasis in 18 year old unmarried girl suffering from insulin dependent diabetes mellitus and psychiatric illness. J Nepal Paediatr Soc 2014;34(3):244-246 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3126/jnps.v34i3.10289


  • Myiasis is a parasi c infesta on caused by the larvae of several species

  • Human myiasis can be classified based on clinical condi on causing cutaneous myiasis, ocular myiasis, urogenital myiasis and intes nal myiasis[2]

  • We present here two case of fly larval infesta on including one scalp myiasis in six year old male street child and other vulvar myiasis in 18 year old unmarried girl suffering from insulin- dependent diabetes mellitus and psychiatric illness

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Myiasis is a parasi c infesta on caused by the larvae of several species. Risk factors for human myiasis are poor hygiene, low educa on level and immunocompromised individuals[1]. Ini ally about 10 maggots were removed using the non-toothed forceps, and the wound was cleaned with betadine He was treated with chloroform and turpen ne oil in the ra o 1:4 which was followed by manual removal of the maggots (n=20) and was made maggot-free in 2–3 days. An 18-year old unmarried girl was admi ed to department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology with a history of vaginal discharge and vulval irrita on for two week. She had noted some worms around the vulva. Pa ent was followed up for four weeks and was found to be completely cured She was given advice on personnel hygiene to avoid reinfesta on. A er development in to adult fly it was confirmed as belonging to the house fly

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