
The distal segments of the crush-injured and permanently transected sciatic nerve provide models to study Schwann cell activity in the presence and absence of Schwann cell-axonal contact, respectively. We examined the quantity and quality of transcript coding for the myelin-associated glycoprotein (MAG) over a 3-week period following crush injury and at 35 days after transection to investigate possible regulation of this gene during nerve injury and subsequent repair. Northern blot and slot blot analysis indicated a sharp decrease in levels of MAG mRNA 2 days after crush injury which was followed by a progressive increase in levels of message between 7 and 21 days after injury. Western blot analysis showed that levels of MAG protein decreased substantially 7 days after crush injury, which returned to 70% of the adult value by 21 days after injury. MAG mRNA and protein were undetectable by Northern and Western analysis, respectively, in the distal segment of the sciatic nerve 35 days after permanent transection. This infers distinct down-regulation of MAG gene expression after permanent transection of a peripheral nerve. These comparative studies of MAG transcripts and encoded protein may indicate regulation of MAG gene expression at the level of transcription, and possibly at the level of post-transcription in these experimental models of peripheral neuropathies.

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