
Mycetomas are inflammatory pseudotumours of subcutaneous and possibly osseous soft fabrics, generally polyfistulas with chronic mode of evolution. This study was carried out at the laboratory of parasitology and mycology of Le Dantec hospital in Dakar, Senegal, including 113 patients, from june 2008 to july 2010. Patients were from different regions in Senegal and in neighborhood countries, referred to the laboratory for mycetoma diagnosis. Among the 250 patients referred, 113 were positives after direct observation and culture corresponding to 45.2% index of infestation. The age range varies between 13 to 73years with an average age of 33.9years. The age bracket ranging between 20-39years is more infected (27.34%), followed by 40-59years (25.2%), 60years and more (4.5%), 30-39years (16.64%), 13-19years (7.2%). The infection sex rate were, male: 79.6% and female: 20.4%. Infection prevalence profession dependant was found mainly in farmers and breeders with respectively: 48.7%, and 42.5%. The foot infestation is most represented with 72.5%, then leg (12.3%), knee (7.1%), scalp (2.7%), hand (1.8%). The other localizations are found with less than 1%: back, thigh, chest and ganglion inguinal. According to mycetoma agents, fungy are represented than mycetomas actinomycosic with respectively 70% and 30%. The species found were: Madurella mycetomatis (53.1%), Actinomadura pelletieri (23%), Leptosphaeria senegalensis (9.7%), Streptomyces somaliensis (2.6%), Actinomadura madurae (2,6%), Pseudallescheria boydii (1.8%), Nocardia spp. (1.8%), Scedosporium apiospermum (0.9%), Fusarium solani (0.9%). We found agents of dermatophytes: Microsporum langeronii (1.8%), and Trichophyton mentagrophytes (0.9%). This study confirms that mycetomas are endemic affections in Senegal, where it still remain a real cause of disability among population leaving in rural area.

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