
Background: Excessive human exposure to solar ultraviolet radiation (UVR) con-tinues to be a major public health concern, with skin cancer rates increasing year on year. The major protective measure is the use of synthetic UVR filters formulated into sunscreens, but there is a growing concern that some of these chemicals cause damage to delicate marine ecosystems. One alternative is the use of biocompatible mycosporine-like amino acids (MAA), which occur naturally in a wide range of marine species. Their role within nature is mainly thought to be photoprotective. However, their potential for human photoprotection is largely understudied.Objective: To review the role of MAA in nature and assess their potential as natural sun-screens for human skin photoprotection.Method: A literature review of all relevant papers was conducted.Conclusion: MAA are natural photostable compounds that are thought to offer photopro-tection to marine species. Initially thought of as protective based on their absorption prop-erties in the solar UVR spectrum, it is clear that MAA are multifunctional photoprotective compounds acting as chemical and biological anti-oxidants. This suggests that MAA may offer a novel eco-friendly approach to human skin photoprotection. Most studies have been carried out in vitro and current data strongly suggest that MAA have potential for de-velopment as natural biocompatible sunscreens that protect against a diverse range of solar UVR induced adverse effects on human health.

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