
Abstract A description is provided for Mycosphaerella convallariae . Information is included on the disease caused by the organism, its transmission, geographical distribution, and hosts. HOST: Convallaria majalis (lily of the valley). DISEASE: Leaf spot or blotch or blight of lily of the valley. The first disease symptoms appear a few days after rain or a wet period (McKeen & Zimmer, 1964). At first the visible symptoms are minute necrotic spots with halos which later enlarge rapidly to form oblong to circular spots or blotches with concentric layers of light and dark zones. When the infection is severe secondary lesions develop, coalesce and kill the leaf. GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION: Europe (Austria, Hungary, Italy, Romania, U.S.S.R.); Eastern North America (Canada, Ontario; U.S.A., Pennsylvania). TRANSMISSION: Conidia are dispersed by water splash. In Ontario, Canada, the fungus is reported to overwinter in the ascomatal state and ascospores are released following a wet period in May or June (McKeen & Zimmer, 1964). It has also been suggested that two to four cycles of the Ascochyta stage are completed in the summer.

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