
In 2001, a long term Satsuma Mandarin experiment was set up in Menzilat soil series. Glomus mosseae, Glomus etunicatum, Glomus clarium, Glomus caledonium and a cocktail of mycorrhizal species were applied to one-year-old sour orange seedlings during transplant to the field. Since 2004, the yield per tree was recorded every year and every year in May plant leaves were sampled for nutrient analyses. In 2014, the macro and micro nutrients (C, N, P, Fe, Mn, Cu, Zn) concentration in leaves were determined. Every year the soil properties were also analyzed. Data showed that the yield per plant increased every year. Some years, because of climatic conditions, a decrease in yield was observed. During 11 years, G. clarium inoculated trees produced the highest yield and control trees produced significantly less. Trees inoculated with the mycorrhizal cocktail had 48.6% of C, while non-inoculated plant had 39.9%. Trees inoculated with G. mosseae had the highest N concentration (2.41%), whereas control plants had the lowest (1.54%). The P and Zn concentration of plant leaves also increased with mycorrhizal inoculation. Since soil had a low Zn concentration, mycorrhizal inoculation assisted the plants to sufficiently uptake this nutrient. Results showed that mycorrhizal fungi can successfully be applied to Mandarin under field conditions.

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