
AbstractA 1‐year 4‐month‐old, male, neutered domestic longhair was presented for investigation of lameness and lethargy. Pyrexia and swelling of the left antebrachium was noticed on clinical examination. Despite treatment with various antibiotics (cefovecin, then amoxicillin and marbofloxacin), the pyrexia and lameness persisted. A computed tomography scan revealed a cavitary lesion and diffuse soft tissue swelling in the left axilla/thoracic wall, with associated moderate to marked lymphadenomegaly of multiple lymph nodes. Aspirates from the cavitary lesions revealed neutrophilic inflammation, and the lymph nodes were consistent with reactive lymphoid hyperplasia and neutrophilic lymphadenitis. Routine aerobic and anaerobic bacterial cultures were negative. A Mycoplasma culture was positive, and the Mycoplasma felis polymerase chain reaction was positive at a high level (Ct 16.6). The patient was subsequently treated with doxycyline and the clinical signs resolved. The difficulty of culturing Mycoplasma spp. should raise the awareness of veterinarians to perform specific culture or polymerase chain reaction for Mycoplasma spp.

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