
The Mycoplasma sp. that cause mastitis are simple, cell wall-less, bacteria that can colonize and cause diseases in other extramammary sites in the bovine. Prevalence of mycoplasma mastitis appears to be increasing in many locations throughout the world. The best method to identify this group of pathogens is through direct culture on mycoplasma agar media. However, limitations with this culture procedure are the duration of culture, 10 days, special conditions required and thus added expense, and the lack of primary specificity to distinguish between true pathogens and commensal organisms. Thus culture of bulk tank milk samples has been advocated as a primary screening method to determine the mycoplasma status of a herd. This monitoring system is reasonably successful but the sensitivity of detection of Mycoplasma sp. in bulk tank milk is affected by a significant minority of cows that might shed the organism at levels below the threshold of detection. Contagious mastitis control procedures have been effective in controlling outbreaks of mycoplasma mastitis. Yet new methods of control might be warranted, methods that may prevent the outbreak. Current data suggests that a significant number of new outbreaks may occur via internal or animal-to-animal transmission of mycoplasma mastitis pathogens from asymptomatic carriers.

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