
Mycomicrothelia striguloides Sdrusiaux & Aptroot sp. nov. is the first foliicolous species described in the genus; it develops a Strigula-like thallus and is reported from New Zealand. While studying representatives of the genus Strigula in the collections of foliicolous lichens made in New Zealand by the late J. K. Bartlett (t 1986) (S6rusiaux 1998), the first author came across a very unusual species with a thallus typical of a foliicolous Strigula, but with perithecia that produce brown, 1-septate ascospores. No name could be found for this species, and we decided that it represented a new and quite isolated species of Mycomicrothelia Keissler. We admit that we feel FI;URE I. Mvcomicrothelia striguloides (holotype). Habit. Scale = 0.1 mm. This content downloaded from on Mon, 05 Dec 2016 04:48:06 UTC All use subject to http://about.jstor.org/terms 1998] SERUSIAUX & APTROOT: MYCOMICROTHELIA 145

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