
Mycelium development and architecture and spore production were studied in Scutellospora reticulata from single-spore isolates grown with Ri T-DNA transformed carrot root-organ culture in monoxenic system. Culture establishment, anastomosis occurrence and auxiliary cell development also were examined. Seventy percent of the pregerminated disinfected spores colonized the transformed carrot roots. After 8 mo, the average spore production was 56 (24–130) per 30 cm3 of medium. Of the spores produced, 75% germinated and produced new generations in monoxenic culture. The mycelium network was formed by thick light-brown hyphae, which exhibit two major architecture patterns related to either root colonization or resource exploitation, and lower-order hyphae, bearing auxiliary cells, branched absorbing structures (BAS), hyphal swellings (HS) and forming anastomoses. BAS were formed abundantly in extramatrical mycelium and frequently had HS resembling vesicles, a feature not previously reported in the Gigasporaceae, to the best of our knowledge. Few anastomosis were observed within the mycelium and most often corresponded to a healing mechanism that form hypha bridges to reconnect broken hyphae or overcoming obstructed areas within a hypha. Numerous auxiliary cells were produced during culture development and their role was inferred.

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