
On the occasion of the centennial birthday of Mr. Chen-Ning Yang, many articles have summarized his important scientific influences on the development of contemporary physics. The author thinks that, as one of the greatest theoretical physicists, Mr. Yang in many scientific contributions has promoted the revolutionary progress of physics, and his unique style of science with deep and meaningful thoughts in academia has a long-term inspiration on developments of physics. Learning from Chen-Ning Yang's scientific thoughts, the author will put forward some personal opinions on the development trend of theoretical physics with his own experiences in researching theoretical physics for 30 years,<i> e.g.</i>, studies of quantum open system, superconducting phase transition and cold atom physics by following Mr. Yang in Stony Brook from 1992 to 1994. This article will elaborate why it is important to pursue “beautiful or useful” theoretical physics through some concrete illustrations; Why could the good theories in fundamental physics be kept at a distance from experiments for some time? For the latter, this article also argues the relationship between theoretical prediction and experimental confirmation from the perspective of scientific methodology (philosophy). Focusing on “useful” theoretical physics-the applied theoretical physics, the author emphasizes that scientific research driven by the national demand, as well as free exploration, can also lead to important breakthroughs in fundamental physics.


  • Mr. Yang in many scientific contributions has promoted the revolutionary progress of physics

  • meaningful thoughts in academia has a longterm inspiration on developments of physics

  • the good theories in fundamental physics be kept at a distance from experiments

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(2021 年 12 月 14 日收到; 2021 年 12 月 27 日收到修改稿) 笔者认为, 作为 当代最伟大的理论物理学家之一, 杨先生不仅以诸多具体的科学贡献推动了当代物理学革命性的进步, 而且 其独特的科学风格在国际学术界独树一帜, 其学术思想更是深邃隽永、对中国和世界的物理学发展有长远的 启 发 作 用 . 笔者将结合学习杨振宁科学思想的体会 , 联系自己在理论物理研究方面的科学实践 (包 括 在 1992—1994 年跟随杨先生对量子开系统、超导相变和冷原子物理方面的探索), 对当代理论物理发展趋势提 出一些个人的看法. 关键词:杨振宁, 理论物理, 发展趋势, 科学风格 PACS:01.55+b, 01.60.+q, 01.65.+g 其研究 内容可以概括为两大方面: 1) 在更高的能量标度 和更小的时空尺度上, 探索物质世界的深层次结构 及其演化规律; 2) 面对由大量个体组元构成的复 杂体系, 探索超越个体的、“演生”出来的有序和合 作现象.

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