
In the book Jeans used daily language to describe the development of special relativity in 1905, of general relativity in 1915 and quantum mechanics in 1925. I was fascinated. In 1937 the war against Japanese invasion broke out. My family had to move through a long and difficult journey, arriving finally in the Spring of 1938 at Kunming (昆明). I still vividly remember how the train in which we were riding between Wuhan (武汉) and Guangzhou (广州) was bombed midway in Hunan Province (湖南). In Kunming I skipped Grade 12 and took the entrance examination to the Southwest Associated University (Lianda联大). I had not studied high school physics, so to prepare for the entrance examination I borrowed a copy of a standard high school physics textbook and read it through in several weeks. At the end of this reading I concluded that physics was the subject that I liked. Thus when I registered at Lianda I was enrolled in the Department of Physics. I still remember, the textbook stated that the acceleration in a uniform circular motion is centripetal and not along the tangential direction. I felt at first that this contradicted my intuition. But after thinking about it for a couple of days I finally realized that velocity is a vector. It has not only magnitude but also direction. This story taught me an important lesson: We all have intuitions. Most of them are correct, but some need revision. Thus

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