
The process of extracting data from different heterogeneous data sources, transforming them into an integrated, unified and cleaned repository, and storing the result as a single entity leads to the construction of a data warehouse (DW), which facilitates access to data for the users of information systems and decision support systems. Due to their enormous volumes of data, processing of analytical queries of decision support systems need to scan very large amounts of data, which has a negative effect on the systems’ response time. Because of the special importance of online analytical processing (OLAP) in these systems, to enhance the performance and improve the query response time of the system, an appropriate number of views of the DW are selected for materialization and will be utilized for responding to the analytical queries, instead of direct access to the base relations. Memory constraint and views maintenance overhead are two main limitations that make it impossible, in most cases, to materialize all views of the DW. Selecting a proper set of views of DW for materialization, called materialized view selection (MVS) problem, is an important research issue that has been focused in various papers. In this paper, we have proposed a method, called P-SA, to select an appropriate set of views using an improved version of simulated annealing (SA) algorithm that utilizes a proper neighborhood selection strategy. P-SA uses the multiple view processing plan (MVPP) structure for selecting the views. Data and queries of a benchmark DW have been used in experimental results for evaluating the introduced method. The experimental results show better performance of the P-SA compared to other SA-based MVS methods for increasing the number of queries, in terms of the total cost of view maintenance and query processing. Moreover, the total cost of queries in the P-SA is also better than the other important SA-based MVS methods of the literature when the size of the DW is increased.

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