
Self-supervised learning aims to learn representation that can be effectively generalized to downstream tasks. Many self-supervised approaches regard two views of an image as both the input and the self-supervised signals, assuming that either view contains the same task-relevant information and the shared information is (approximately) sufficient for predicting downstream tasks. Recent studies show that discarding superfluous information not shared between the views can improve generalization. Hence, the ideal representation is sufficient for downstream tasks and contains minimal superfluous information, termed minimal sufficient representation. One can learn this representation by maximizing the mutual information between the representation and the supervised view while eliminating superfluous information. Nevertheless, the computation of mutual information is notoriously intractable. In this work, we propose an objective termed multi-view entropy bottleneck (MVEB) to learn minimal sufficient representation effectively. MVEB simplifies the minimal sufficient learning to maximizing both the agreement between the embeddings of two views and the differential entropy of the embedding distribution. Our experiments confirm that MVEB significantly improves performance. For example, it achieves top-1 accuracy of 76.9% on ImageNet with a vanilla ResNet-50 backbone on linear evaluation. To the best of our knowledge, this is the new state-of-the-art result with ResNet-50.

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