
Model View Definition (MVD) is the mainstream method for formally representing the knowledge about the data exchange of building information models (BIMs). The MVD ruleset can be used in automatically validating the compliance of the BIM data against the exchange requirements and rule constraints. At present, MVD validation is performed with the “matching-checking” process according to the data structure templates and the rule statements respectively. However, there are redundant visit of edges and nodes in a process with separated subgraph matching and value checking, and the efficiency of MVD validation on large real-world models is still a challenge. In this paper, the MVDLite algorithm is proposed for the fast validation of MVD rules. By integrating the separated templates and statements into a “rule-chain” structure, a fast round-trip searching can be performed, which remarkably speeds up the MVD validation in the experiments. Discussions on the complexity of the MVD validation algorithms and the applicable scope of the proposed algorithm are also provided, which intends to bring some new ideas to the community about the future evolution of the MVD technology.

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