
Currently, the work of freelancers is very much in demand. Because freelancers can work anywhere and anytime without being bound by a contract with a company or person. But freelancers have difficulty managing their tasks and projects because there is no system to monitor and manage the project. Therefore, the solution is to make the project freelancer monitoring system by implementing the MVC (Model View Controller) architecture model with the PHP Laravel and Slim framework. MVC design patterns are well-known patterns and are used for interactive software system architectures. The way the MVC method works is to separate the main components such as data manipulation (model), display/interface (View) and the process (Controller) so that it is more neat, structured and easily developed. The purpose of this study also compares the MVC Laravel and Slim framework architecture with a performance comparison method on load/stress testing on the dashboard page using Apache JMeter tools with 3 scenarios from samples 1, 100, and 500. Tests are done offline and report format results of performance tests is a Summary Report. The results obtained from performance comparisons using Apache JMeter are that the Slim framework is faster and better than Laravel's framework.

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