
The purpose of this study was to determine the characteristics of the muzara'ah akad with the murabahah system as an alternative in stabilizing soybean prices during the covid-19 pandemic. This normative legal research using statute and conceptual approach, shows that the characteristics of a muzara'ah akad with a murabahah system can be seen from 4 (four) things, namely: First, it consists of 4 (four) people, namely Islamic Banks, Soybean Farmers, Cultivators, and Tempe Producers; Second, the object in the muzara'ah akad with the murabahah system is the form of agricultural capital for the first transaction, and soybeans for the second and third. Third, in this akad, the bank, soybean farmers, and cultivators get a profit, while tempe traders do not get a profit in the form of a margin, but tempe producers benefit, because they can buy soybeans at a lower price. Fourth, soybean farmers who do not have the funds or costs or capital to buy seeds, fertilizers, agricultural equipment, and so on can apply for financing to the bank.

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