
The interaction between the evolution of the orchestra and the concerto at the end of the late 16th — first half of the 17th centuries has been considered. Three levels of interaction are revealed. The first one is the basso continuo. There is little attention paid to the importance of this technique for the formation of the orchestra: the impact on the formation of instrumentalists’ collectives through the appearance of a homophonic way of presentation; combining different forces of sound of instruments; strengthening the bass line as a solid foundation for the entire vertical structure. The second level is the concerto principle. It is emphasized that during the 16th century the concerto meant ―ensemble‖ of any configuration. The strengthening of the instrumental component in the works of M. Uccellini, I. Baccusi, A. and J. Gabrieli, A. Banchieri had an impact on the transformation of the concerto principle. Initially, the principle appeared through the opposition of pitches and density of texture, eventually extends to the comparison of instrumental, mixed vocal-instrumental and vocal groups, thus stimulating contrast in the middle of an instrumental groups such as ensemble and orchestra. The third level of the interaction is embodied in the genre of madrigal (C. Monteverdi). It seems that the release of instruments, the diversification of their functions, the rejection of the permanent exact duplications and the increased role of the timbre obviously require an instrumental body as a stable structure for the implementation of all above mentioned. The development of musical instruments, the diversification of their functions, the use of sinfonia and ritornellos in the choral composition became a driven force for the modification of the concerto principle resulted in the intensification of the competitive origin in the orchestra with each decade. All the above encourages to revise the depth of interaction between the orchestra and concerto. The orchestra as an organized and multi-instrumental collective, designed to exhibit music beyond the church or theatrical genres, becomes the institutional basis for the embodiment of the concerto principle in a particular genre of the instrumental concerto.

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