
Abstract: The use of mutual funds as a safety net for one's finances is on the rise. The industrial sector's performance has boosted India's economic narrative, and mutual funds have lowered the barrier to entry for households looking to invest. More and more people are becoming aware of mutual funds and the advantages they offer. Most people don't invest in mutual funds because, for example, 90% of wage workers in India are unaware that they exist. One out of five individuals may decide to put their money into a mutual fund when they find out what possibilities are available to them. To effectively market mutual funds to someone who is unfamiliar with them, one must first identify the type of people who are inclined to purchase them and then provide reasons that they will see as substantial. Working on this piece was a terrific learning experience and gave me a lot of practice with analysis. Investors' saving and investing habits, mutual fund preferences, and other market research topics are examined and recommended in this paper report.

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