
Yeast autonomously replicating sequence (ARS) elements contain an 11-base-pair core consensus sequence (5'-[A/T]TTTAT[A/G]TTT[A/T]-3') that is required for function. The contribution of each position within this sequence to ARS activity was tested by creating all possible single-base mutations within the core consensus sequence of ARS307 (formerly called the C2G1 ARS) and testing their effects on high-frequency transformation and on plasmid stability. Of the 33 mutations, 22 abolished ARS function as measured by high-frequency transformation, 7 caused more than twofold reductions in plasmid stability, and 4 had no effect on plasmid stability. Mutations that reduced or abolished ARS activity occurred at each position in the consensus sequence, demonstrating that each position of this sequence contributes to ARS function. Of the four mutations that had no effect on ARS activity, three created alternative perfect matches to the core consensus sequence, demonstrating that the alternate bases allowed by the consensus sequence are, indeed, interchangeable. In addition, a change from T to C at position 6 did not perturb wild-type efficiency. To test whether the essential region extends beyond the 11-base-pair consensus sequence, the effects on plasmid stability of point mutations one base 3' to the T-rich strand of the core consensus sequence (position 12) and deletion mutations that altered bases 5' to the T-rich strand of the core consensus sequence were examined. An A at position 12 or the removal of three T residues 5' to the core consensus sequence severely diminished ARS efficiency, showing that the region required for full ARS efficiency extends beyond the core consensus sequence in both directions.

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