
ABSTRACT “Erótica mutante” (Mutant Erotics) is a compilation of drawings that work as a war declaration to my own borders. It is a lick to my excess, a celebration of my wounds, and an invitation to see. “Mutar” no es otra cosa que pasar de un estado a otro (“to mutate” is no other thing, but to pass from one state to another). We associate “the mutant” with what is considered disgusting, unpleasant and/or foreign – because we do not recognize ourselves in and/or within transformation(s). To be a mutant is to be vulnerable, permeable, elastic. It is to be willing to re-born within another phenotypic category: one that is ”nomenclativa” (a nomenclature), “normativa” (normative) o, tanto mejor, de-normativa y performática (or even better de-normative and performative). Erótica mutante is a picture of other corporalities, other practices, and other “morbos” (kinks).

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