
Tyrosinase related protein-1 (TRP-1) is a melanocyte-specific gene product involved in eumelanin synthesis. Mutation in the Tyrp1 gene is associated with brown pelage in mouse and oculocutaneous albinism Type 3 in humans (OCA3). It has been demonstrated that TRP-1 expresses DHICA oxidase activity in the murine system. However, its actual function in the human system is still unclear. The study was designed to determine the effects of mutation at two Typr1 alleles, namely the Tyrp1b (brown) and Tyrp1b-cj (cordovan) compared with wild type Tyrp1B (black) on melanocyte function and melanin biosynthesis. The most significant finding was that both of the Tyrp1 mutations (i.e. brown expressing a point mutation and cordovan expressing decreased amount of TRP-1 protein) resulted in attenuation of cell proliferation rates. Neither necrosis nor apoptosis was responsible for the observed decrease in cell proliferation rates of the brown and cordovan melanocytes. Ultrastructural evaluation by electron microscopic analysis revealed that both mutations in Tyrp1 affected melanosome maturation without affecting its structure. These observations demonstrate that mutation in Tyrp1 compromised tyrosinase activity within the organelle. DOPA histochemistry revealed differences in melanosomal stages between black and brown melanocytes but not between black and cordovan melanocytes. There were no significant differences in tyrosine hydroxylase activities of tyrosinase and TRP-1 in wild type black, brown and cordovan melanocyte cell lysates. We conclude that mutations in Tyrp1 compromise cell proliferation and melanosomal maturation in mouse melanocyte cultures.

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