
Abstract Samples from Walnut Creek, upstream of the Troy Wastewater Treatment Plant (TWWTP), and the influents to and effluents from the TWWTP were assayed for mutagenicity using the Salmonella typhimurium fluctuation test. Samples were prepared with metabolic activation (channel catfish S9 and rat S9 enzymes) and without using TA100 and TA98 strains of Salmonella. Results indicated that catfish S9 enzymes (FS9) were more capable of activating base-pair substitution mutagens in upstream samples than rat S9 enzymes (RS9). For influent samples, RS9 activated higher levels of base-pair and frameshift mutagens than FS9. The comparison of changes from influent to effluent samples showed a significant reduction in base-pair and no change in frameshift mutagens with FS9; conversely, no change in base-pair and a significant reduction in frameshift mutagens with RS9 were found. For direct-acting compounds (without enzymatic activation), a significant increase in frameshift mutations was found in effluent compared ...

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