
Mustafa Kutlu has an important place in Turkish literature, especially in the field of story, by focusing on the social change and transformation of Turkish society. Kutlu, a writer with very strong observations, touched upon the psychological problems that occur in individuals as a result of social change. He produced qualified works by addressing the various problems of individuals who migrated from the village to the city as a result of modernization or who lived in the city before, due to various reasons, in the light of his strong impressions. Kutlu especially described the depressions in the minds and inner worlds of individuals who migrated from the village to the city. Kutlu, who nourishes Turkish literature in terms of quantity and quality with his works, has gained a very important place in Turkish storytelling after 1970. In particular, he produced quality works in terms of the language, style and theme he used in his stories. Kutlu, who is an extremely prosperous and fertile writer, has created multiple layers of meaning in his stories by using a symbolic language. He has taken the change and transformation process of Turkish society as his main issue. In this context, he examined the village-urban dilemma and the phenomenon of migration in his works. However, he drew attention to the psychology of individuals who have undergone change and transformation and to the sociology of society. Keywords: Village-City, Migration, Modernity, Social Change

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