
The authority of Prophetic narrations definitely have been one of the most central problem discussed among scholars, even for mutawātir ḥadīth, not to mention aḥad ḥadīth which not fulfil the requirments to be considered as mutawātir. This study mainly discussing about the authority of aḥad ḥadīth based on perspectives from Mustafā Al-Sibā’ī, a prominent figure of Islamic scholars in one of his well-known book, Al-Sunnah wa-Makānatuhā fī Al-Tashrī’ Al-Islāmī. This book mainly written to rebut lies and arguments from the enemies of Sunnah. Hence this study seeks to analyse views, opinions and discussions regarding aḥad ḥadīth which mostly pointed out by Al-Sibā’ī in order to refute arguments from enemies of Sunnah, or to be exact, from those who reject the validity of aḥad ḥadīth. Thus, by using descriptive-analytical method, this article will firstly provide brief descriptions about Mustafā Al-Sibā’ī and his book before discussing throughout his writing about aḥad ḥadīth. The result of this study hopefully may clears any misunderstanding created by Sunnah’s enemies regarding aḥad ḥadīth.

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